
What do you see in the picture?

I've just seen the movie, it was based on comics. Not really a good one, but this is not important now. It made me think about Rorchach test. It's been a while since I've seen those pics for the first time, maybe on high school in psychology class if I remember it well. I tried to find Rorchach test online, but I wasn't lucky. They say you can't test yourself as your answer is not the only thing they analyze, it is also important how long it takes you to think, what movements you make... and other circumstances.
But just for fun, I've found all 10 pics and tried to think what I see, so if you want you can try it with me!

My favorite is the one in right corner, the last one on my pic.  Most people would say they see but, butterfly or moth. I see two elephants sucked on the tree! When I was thinking about most of my answers I realized I see mostly animals there! Just the second pic. I think it is more than obvious that there are to ladies facing to each other right? Also I've seen two dragonflies cocoons and one vagina, Mr. Freud would be happy I guess! 
Sometimes I really wish to have my own psychoanalytic who would be able to tell me that my psyche is just fine. Like everyone else sometimes I feel lil insane. But most of time I'm just like the other weirdos around. Maybe they would tell the truth from my answers here...

Pics used from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rorschach_test


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